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Jamstack Web Development

Website development includes bits and pieces of concepts like web programming, web design, database management, and web publishing. It refers to the process of building, developing and maintaining web pages and applications. It is mainly concerned with the programming and coding part.

The Process

UI/UX Design

UI/UX design includes dealing with the application's graphical layout, focusing on the design of buttons, screen layout, animations, transitions, micro-interactions, etc. It focuses on User Experience design that deals with how users interact with the system, logical navigation and how smooth and intuitive the experience is for users.

Frontend Development

Front-end developers must also ensure the website looks good on all devices (phones, tablets, and computer screens). Everything on the page, from the logo to the search bar, buttons, overall layout and how the user interacts with the page, was created by a front-end developer. Front-end developers are in charge of the look and feel of the website.

CMS integration

A CMS provides a graphical user interface with tools to create, edit and publish web content without the need to write code from scratch. A CMS may also provide tools for personalization or one-to-one marketing. One-to-one marketing is the ability of a website to tailor its content, and advertising to a user's specific characteristics using information a user provides or a website gathers.

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